Into The Forest - kiln-formed glass powder drawings
This series was largely inspired by Sarah Maitland's book Gossip from the Forest: a search for the hidden roots of our fairytales, a book which shows ways the two forms are intimately connected: the mysterious secrets and silences, gifts and perils of the forests being both the background and the source of fairytales and both forests and fairy stories being at risk, their loss depleting our cultural lifeblood.
Combining my love of traditional stories and childhood memories of the woodland where I grew up, my drawings explore the forest as a place to get lost, to hide, to have adventures.

Hansel and Gretel (W24cm H34cm)

Old Woman (W24cm H34cm)

Brother and Sister (W24cm H34cm)

Wolf (W24cm H34cm)

Rapunzel (W24cm H34cm)

Hiding (W24cm H34cm)
Rooks I, II, III and IV, glass powder drawings (W12cm H15cm each).
Glass drawings made by positioning glass powder on glass sheet with a stylus and then making the image permanent by fusing in a kiln.